Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Yesterday we went to the hospital for the big ultrasound! My Mom came up to watch the kids while we went. They love her so much! So do I.

Ultrasounds are so cool. It was so much fun to see that little guy in there! He was moving all over for us, waving, and opening and closing his mouth like he was chewing gum. So we debated about whether or not to find out the baby's sex there or have the technician write it down on a piece of paper to be opened on Christmas. Jason had been the one who wanted to wait to find out, but once we were there thought we should find out right away. The technician actually convinced us to wait because it would be more fun. Or, she said we could rip open the envelope as soon as we left! So we decided to wait another week, and she took some pictures and wrote down baby's sex for us.

However, you notice I am referring to the baby as "he." That's because both Jason and I thought we caught a glimpse of some boy-ness, and the tech kept referring to the baby as he. Sometimes she would catch herself and say, "See his.... the little tongue?" So I don't know if she was doing it on purpose or if she really kept slipping, but we're thinking BOY! We may be in for a shock on Christmas morning, but I'm feeling very at home with the idea of another boy. I have all along. We were mainly so happy to see that things looked normal and healthy and that we are right on schedule for a May 10th birth. It's such a miracle, and we feel so fortunate. It was and will be a great Christmas present.

Sorry to friends and family who called yesterday and today dying to know. My favorite call was from Jaime. The first thing she said on the phone after exchanging hellos was, "SO????" Ha ha! She's so cute! Sorry to make you wait, Jaimes! Stay tuned, everyone!

1 comment:

Jami said...

Um HELLO! It's December 26Th and there is no update on the baby's sex! Come on people - you're killing me!