Monday, February 15, 2010

Jake is 4!

There are so many things to love about Jacob Mark Lambert. And every day he gets smarter, funnier, and more precious to me. Maybe it's his funny faces:
Or how he doesn't really care about food, unless it's a donut. He truly couldn't pick anything to eat for a birthday dinner because he doesn't have a favorite dinner. So we had birthday breakfast of donuts and Sunny D:
Or maybe it's those beautiful eyes I love:
Or his love of drawing for hours on end (oh, the joy it brings me):
Or how happy he is over simple things in life like sitting in the hot tub at the Sports Academy for his "birthday party."
Jake, I just love you so much. You crack me up, you make me think, and you make me glad to be a Mom! Happy 4th birthday, buddy!


Mrs B said...

Amen to all those things. Happy Birthday, Jakers!! Love you!!

Unknown said...

I'm with Jake - donuts for birthday meal!! Happy Birthday Jake! Great pics from Moab, Brooke!

Jenni said...

He is so cute!

Jenn said...

What a handsome man. Happy Birthday Jacob.

Megan said...

He is so dang cute. Happy Birthday, Jake! :)

Julie said...

I love watching that kid grow.