Thursday, June 30, 2011

Because no doubt my memory will fail me.

Today was a very windy, blustery day.  Late in the afternoon I was standing at the kitchen sink watching Jake swinging by himself in the backyard.  Suddenly it started to rain big, fat, delicious-smelling raindrops. I watched Jake, waiting to see what his reaction would be.  Would he run inside?  Crawl under the tramoline?  He turned up his face and kept swinging.  When it really started coming down hard, he ran across the yard with a huge smile on his face, squinting up at the clouds.  He stood under the carport for awhile watching the mini-storm and then came inside to tell me it was raining.

I just wanted to remember that smile on his face and the way he didn't rush out of the rain.  Love that kid.


Sophie Albee-Scott said...

I really like this post Brooke. So simple, but ah, the joy of feeling raindrops on your face, brought a smile to my face!! Yay for catching our children in moments like these.

Pete Pithai Smithsuth said...

I love Jake.

Pete Pithai Smithsuth said...

I love Jake.

Pete Pithai Smithsuth said...

I love Jake.