Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Finn goes to the Child Development Lab!

Finn was SO excited to start school.  He was a little shy, but so happy to be going.  He is attending the 3-year-old lab at USU, and I really feel so very lucky.  I want to include what his teacher, Janette, wrote home about him today.  She is so amazing, and her note made me cry!!

Dear Jason and Brooke,
     It has been fun to get to know Finn this semester.  Finn especially likes spending time up in the puzzle (small manips) area and at the rug with blocks.  He's got some very strong fine motor skills.  He especially likes Legos (Harry Potter and Star Wars).  His large motor skills are strong also.  Finn has a tender heart.  He is a little shy, but he is working towards getting to know other children and playing with them.  Little by little, he is learning the children's names and spending time at parallel play.  Every once in awhile he will venture out of his comfort zone and talk to others.  When there is something he is interested in and excited about, he will talk and talk for a long time with his sweet smile and excitement in his eyes.
     We will continue to plan activities and opportunities for Finn to grow and work on being more social with the other children and talking with them.  I am excited to continue to learn more about Finn.  He already has a special place in my heart.  Thank you for taking the time to fill out the questionnaire so I could see Finn's strengths.  Social skills and communication can be learned, but a heart like Finn's cannot be learned.  He is incredible.
     Thanks so much,


I am SO GRATEFUL that my kids have all been able to attend this school.  Each one of them has had an amazing teacher who treasured them, and knew how special they were.  I was a little nervous to send Finn because he is so tender, and I hoped so much that his teacher would be the right match for him.  Yep, looks like someone is looking out for our little family, because there could be no more perfect person for Finn than Teacher Janette.

1 comment:

mrs.d said...

Oh YAY!! I'm thrilled that this has been a good match for Mr. Finn! I told you that you would love Janette~she truly is AMAZING and PERFECT for 3's!