Monday, October 8, 2007

Welcome, little Lincoln!

Last week, my brother, Andy and his wife, Kate had a BABY! Congratulations on the new little boy! I haven't been able to meet the little cutie yet, but they will be moving back to Utah very soon, and I am looking forward to spending some quality time...


Alan said...

I am so happy for them. If you talk to them let them know we love them. What was his weight, middle name, etc. uuummm, why didn't anyone call me? big trouble.


Brooke said...

Sorry, Nikki. That's why we need to get back to weekly playdates! His name is Lincoln Ross, and, sorry, I have no other details. Kate and Andy, help us out if you happen to read this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

camas said...

He was born around 3am on October 1 and weighed 7 pounds. I think. He's pretty upset right now because he hasn't met me yet.
auntie "candy"