Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I heart you!

I sure have some very special valentines.  Here is my little cupcake with her Valentine's Day outfit on.  I bought this skirt pretty much the instant I found out I was having a girl.  I could not resist. Owen said on Sunday that he liked her skirt because it looks like tissue paper.  It really does.
Harper has been so sick.  Here she is, partied out.
My two favorite Katherines!
The valentine mice we got the kids were a huge success.  The boys have been building houses and playing mice ever since.  Bennett was definitely the most excited about his, which I just love.
I do like to decorate my house for holidays.  I love these dangly hearts from the dollar store.
Roses from Jason...  He is really great about remembering stuff like this.
Family night on Valentine's Day ended up being really cool.  We hadn't had any sort of romantic day, with sick kids, the regular run-around and whatnot.  But for FHE our lesson was about family unity.  We built a paper chain with each link representing a member of our family.

We started out with Jason and he told his memories of when he first met me.  The kids were so cute.  Bennett looked embarrassed and enthralled all at once.  Jason described the outfit I was wearing the first time he ever saw me, and told them he thought I was beautiful, and that he wanted to kiss me.  This got them all giggling hysterically.

Then I added my link to his and told about what kinds of things we did while we were dating, and how we eventually got married, and how our family was that much stronger.  We were strong while we were on our own, but now we were even stronger together with common goals and love for each other.

Then each child got to come up and we told about when they were born, and how happy we were, and what joy they bring to our family now with their unique, individual gifts.  We have our paper chain on display in the kitchen to remind us just how lucky we are to have each other!  What a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day.
I'm a lucky mama, and I love my family!


Becca Hatch said...

I heart the tales about your family. Your birthday parties are amazing every year. You are "that" mom! xoxo

Jenni said...

Wow... sounds like a very special Family Home Evening. Harper is SO precious!!

Murray Ohana said...

I'm glad someone is having successful family home evenings. You do such amazing things with your family...and your parties, too cool.

Sandra said...

Oh Brooke, You are so wonderful. I just love seeing you be the most fab mom in the world. I miss you.

Unknown said...

Brooke, what a lovely post. I love the paper chain, what a beautiful way to celebrate the strength of your family. So touching.

Mrs B said...

Oh, I love it.