Just before Finn was born, I was released from my calling as Stake YW President, which has to be one of the greatest jobs in the world. I miss it so much, but the timing of my release was right on. It would have been pretty tricky once Finn was born to feel like I could contribute much at all.
Anyway, I was invited to speak at the "Opening Ceremonies" at YW Camp this morning. Finn and I arrived as girls were gathering near the lodge after setting up camp. All the wards chose countries to represent for this Olympic-oriented camp. I was pretty surprised by how emotional I got as I watched the girls working together, setting up chairs, laughing, being silly, so excited to be at camp. YW is such an incredible program. I love it. I was asked to speak to them about how to "Light the Fire Within," which is the Camp theme this year. I was so glad to have the chance to think about my own life, and how lucky I am to be surrounded by people so full of light. Preparing for my talk gave me a chance to evaluate how I am doing in taking care of myself spiritually, and I recognized that I need to make some adjustments. I am now working on ways to make spiritual things a bigger part of my day, and not use the excuse that I am too busy.
After my talk, each ward sang "I am a Child of God" in their chosen country's language. It was so impressive! The familiar song was sung in Japanese, Chinese, Samoan, Spanish, German, Tongan, and even Jamaican. :) Ya, mon. I love those girls, youth and leaders alike. It was a great day for me.