Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This is a picture of Jason mocking me and my fear of things that warn of potential explosions as a result of product misuse. Pressure cookers scare me. Also, lighting grills, inflating helium balloons and inner tubes. But, despite my fears, the salsa looks great. Good job, Jason! Anyone who knows us understands that Jason does all the canning 'round here. I just eat the finished product. Wait! I did stir the salsa as it cooked for a minute or two, as well as labeling the lids, so... wow, I'm feeling really like a team player.


Mrs B said...

I completely share your fear of explosions. I'm always asking Tyler 'what if it blows up?' I have yet to have anything blow up on me, but the fear has not subsided. Good to see I'm not alone. & Tyler will appreciate that pic of Jason because I'm sure that's totally a face he would do in mockery of me. & nice work on the salsa, little domestic diva.

Becca Hatch said...

BTW, if you had a pressure cooker that had been manufactured post 1940, which by the looks of the picture you don't :), your fears would be totally alleviated since they have some safety features now.

Unknown said...

Want to hear something funny? When our realtor showed us our house she said she tells people from California that the canning room is a wine cellar. Homemade salsa sounds wonderful!

Jenni said...

I have a 16 pound box of tomatoes that I plan on making salsa with this weekend. Problem... I have no idea how to can anything nor do I have any canning supplies. I may have gotten in a little over my head.

AT said...

Way to Go Jas!, Can't wait to taste your labor of love.