Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Montpelier Creek KOA 2.0

The very weekend after we returned from Washington, we went camping at the KOA with cousins!  Yay!  We stayed in tee-pees, swam in the pool, and even ordered pizza one night.  So much fun!
Cute little Blue chillin' in the Tee Pee. 
Telling stories around the campfire.

Or to be more specific, telling stories about Andy and Lee around the campfire.  There are so many good ones, and since they weren't there, we could embellish the tales.  Oh wait, they would have done that too.  ;)

Grandma and Jake.

Grandma was such a good sport to sleep in the big kids' tent and keep them safe from earwigs.

Yep, that would be my dainty daughter.

Demonstrating her awesome climbing skills!

Jumping into the cold water with Dad.

Thumbs up from Aquaman.

Clara! What a cutie.

Handsome fellas.

These kids are like fish!

Playing with Grandpa in the pool.

Bennett in his personal knife safety zone.  Or whatever you call it in scouts.

Collecting snail shells!

Grubbing on pizza from Montpelier.  That's how we camp at the KOA, yo!

One little, two little, three little Indians!

1 comment:

Mrs B said...

So fun! Thanks for that picture of my baby's long locks. My mother in law decided to chop them off for me. Yep.