For those interested, I have photos of his tonsils, both before and after they were removed if you would like to see more. And for those of you who are REALLY interested, like my brother and sis-in-law, Andy and Kate, come on over to watch the MOVIE of the procedure. Eeeew.
Jason really surprised me by wanting to go with me into Wal-Mart to pick up his prescriptions on our way home from the hospital. His reason: to drive a Jazzy in the store. Keep in mind this was just a few hours after his surgery. We stocked up on popsicles and ice cream-type items, along with a jug- no really- a jug of Oxycodone.
This is truly inspirational. What a trooper. I am going to tell Tyler that if he gives in to the sinus surgery he needs that I'll take him & let him drive a Jazzy for as long as he likes! & I want to see the surgery video! I want to come see you anyway & what better motivation?!
Cool transportation in Wal-Mart and the glasses complete the "Evil Knievel" look!
oh so many comments. good luck, jason. here's to your recovery (i'm cyber-raising a glass of prescription oral rinse for my tooth implant; something tells me your toasting beverage of choice will be oxycodone...).
At the race for the cure I was passed by a man in a Jazzy, so I can't say I'm thrilled about your choice of transportation...bad memories I guess.
Um...I'm pretty sure you are not suppose to drive while under the influence. Whew! I'm glad there were no accidents.
I drove one of those carts around shop-ko after delivering Olivia. I think I dented every corner in the building. Those things are pretty hard to manage under the influence or not! (I was under the influence so I realy don't know if my last statement is true. Perhaps they really aren't hard to manage.) That photo is pretty awesome though. So glad for camera phones!
Doesn't he look like the happy camper. He kind of reminds me of a pouting Bennett with a little less hair. But, any reason to ride around in a Jazzy chair.
man...i want a jazzy.
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