Sunday, March 15, 2009

Farewell to a Fish

(Not an actual photo of Dennis.  It turns out we didn't take a single photo of our pet.  How sad.)

Our goldfish, Dennis (or Dorothy, as he/she was sometimes known) died unexpectedly last week, after 4, or maybe even more years at our house.  I can't even remember when we got Dennis, but it seems like forever ago.  Rest in peace, Dennis.  You were a tough fish.  Sometimes I forgot to feed you, sometimes the kids fed you too much, sometimes strange toys were thrown into your bowl, and your water was not changed as frequently as the pet store recommended.  But you were loved.

I didn't realize how much Dennis was loved until I broke the news to Bennett that he had died.  Bennett cried like he had lost Lucy all over again.  He was just this heart-broken little sobbing heap.  I felt so bad.  So after school that day we went to PetsMart to get a new fishy.  The kids deliberated for quite some time, and finally decided on a cool looking 26 cent variety goldfish with a black stripe down his back, and black-tipped fins.  His name is Swimmy.

And for more pet-related news:  Bennett reeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyy wants a puppy for his birthday.  Sorry, Bennett.  We are not ready to embark on the puppy adventure just yet.  Until we are, trips around the block at Grandma's with Frankie will have to suffice.

1 comment:

Mrs B said...

You are welcome to borrow one of our hounds any time to tide you over. Perhaps then Bennett will realize it's not all it's cracked up to be.