Sunday, March 15, 2009

I often feel like my days slip by without anything really significant happening.  Nothing specific that my kids or I will remember down the road.  But last Saturday I lived a day that was noteworthy and memorable.  I did the right thing that day.  

Jason was out of town, so I decided to take the kids to my Mom's for a visit.  We spent the morning out for a walk, playing, hanging out.  Then Cami came up and we decided to meet Jaime and Porter and go shopping at Target.  (I've had a gift card since Christmas just burning a hole in my pocket.)  We went to lunch first, and seriously had such a good time.  There is something about sister time that cannot be replaced.  I love these girls like, well, sisters.

We perused every section of Target, offering advice on various items from skinny jeans (for Jaime), a beautiful new rug (for me), and even located the very last bags of Hershey's Eggs.  Yes, we bought a few. (No specific number will be revealed.)

Unfortunately, Jaime then had to depart from us to attend to a diaper situation.  But we then met my parents at Grandma and Grandpa Stick's house.  This is the only part of the trip that I have photos of, but they are priceless to me.  I thought I would share.  Have I ever mentioned what amazing people my Grandparents are?  I am so glad my kids got to spend time with them this day.  We need to make the trip far more often.

Later that night, Cami and I made not one, but TWO trips to the grocery store.  We forgot some of the key items on our very short list from Dad and had to go back.  I think the oversight can be attributed to the fact that we were laughing our heads off the entire time in the store.  I seriously had the giggles.  And what happens when you get the giggles?  Or gigs, as Jason calls them.  Well, you might accidentally slam your sister's head with the car door.  I'm soooooo sorry, Cami.  I don't know what happened, but I am very glad you are okay and not holding a grudge against me.  It was truly the most fun I've had in so long. (Not the slamming your head part.)   Thanks for all the laughs, Cam.  I love you.


Mrs B said...

It was a great day for me as well. I wish that P had not had a 'situation' that day so I could have joined the fun at Grandpa Stick's. I returned the skinny jeans as I could not take myself seriously in them, but none-the-less deem the day an utter success.

Jami said...

I love days like these!! True moments of family bliss. Glad you got to spend some quality time with your grandparents. My advice.... Take LOTS of pictures with them. They are priceless once they are gone.