Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ooooh, heaven is a place on earth!

Jason left yesterday morning for Boston.  Finn and I will be joining him on Friday, and my angel mother will be watching the bigger boys.  So it's the usual pre-trip chaos 'round here, and since Jason is gone, I've been just a leetle high strung.  I have been very "vocal" with my children, even in a couple of public places, which I can usually avoid.  However, when your eldest son pushes a shopping cart down a sidewalk, and that cart jumps the curb and misses smashing into a new Honda Pilot by a mere 2 inches, some shouting can perhaps be justified.  
Anyhoo, also, tonight at Karate I sat down by one of the other Moms, who is so beautiful and so nice.  She is always very coordinated in her attire, and uses a gentle voice with her children.  As we visited, I crossed my legs and looked down to see that I was wearing little, old, saggy Nike ankle socks with my green clogs.  Super sweet.  The best part:  I didn't uncross my legs or try to hide them.  I was too tired to care. 
Then I forgot that our home teachers were coming by for a visit at 8:00.  What were we doing at 8:00?  Well, I was cutting Owen and Jake's hair, and Bennett was in the tub.  All 3 boys were naked.  So when I heard the doorbell over the sound of the clippers, followed by vigorous knocking of the brass knocker, I knew President Thompson was on my front porch, along with the eloquent Brother de la Houssaye.  AGH!  What to do?!  So I actually did answer the door, and a short lesson was given to me about President Uchtdorf's words telling us that we can plan for many things in life, but not for everything.  Some things just take us by surprise.  That's as far as we got into the lesson because the boys upstairs were screaming and crying and splashing water everywhere, and I think I even heard some "body humor."  It was such perfect background noise for the words being spoken; we all shared a chuckle.  

So things are nuts.  But here's something I overheard as the boys were discussing the location of heaven in the back seat during our drive home from Charlie's Ice Cream after Karate.

Bennett:  "Do you think Jesus lives up in the clouds?  So he can watch over us?"
Owen:  "Where is heaven anyway?"
Jake:  "Yeah.  Where is Kevin?" (I'm not sure if he was really thinking heaven, or some person named Kevin.)
Bennett:  "Maybe it's up in space."
Jake:  "Jesus is with Kevin?  Up in the sky?"  (Who is this Kevin?)
Bennett:  "Everyone in heaven can see us."
Owen:  "Maybe heaven is right here!"

As soon as Owen said it, everyone agreed enthusiastically.  Yes indeed, heaven is right here.  So maybe I should go clean up a little.  :)


Julie said...

Now, aren't you glad you have multiple children so they can have this conversation. Imagine only one child all lonely & conversationless because mommy is too tired to talk at the moment. Blessing come from multiple children. I think that heaven is watching us all the time & they were laughing really hard at you yesterday; their own little comedy central.

Mrs B said...

Awww! That makes my day!!! HAve so, so, so much fun in Boston!!!

Sandra said...

Richard would agree that Jesus is with Kevin. How did Jake know that? So sweet.

Jeff and Rose said...

who is this julie person? and just how many children does she have??

I just threw a mattress and 4 baby dolls in the washing machine (details later)--my kids may meet Kevin some day. I'll have them call Bennett for directions.

Jami said...

Love it. Thanks for brightening my day.

Jenni said...

I hate the pre-trip chaos. It almost makes me not want to go places. Lately, I have been trying to decide if the pre-trip chaos is worth the trip. I guess we have to take the bad with the good.

Unknown said...

I agree with Owen, heaven is right here. I love with children discuss theology!