Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Today we had Olivia over to play, and then cousins Jack and Clara. First we played in the costume box, then watched Star Wars, and then had a sweet dance party. Check out the video below. Surely Bennett got his moves from his Dad.
Clara and Jake reading books together.
Batman and Ninja.

Later that night, our home teachers came for a visit. Bennett read President Rex Thompson a book all by himself!


Jami said...

I can't stop laughing. This is one for you Tube! Seriously, he has some moves!

Mrs B said...

That is the best EVER! Porter and I are already working on his rhythm so that we can join in.
There's just nothing familiar about Ben's "Mom, look at me" is there? Your house is so much more fun than mine!
And I love your Valentine's dining ideas & whatnot. I just may borrow them when Porter's old enough to care. I wasn't able to figure out how to make pink breastmilk for this year....

Brooke said...

Pink milk! That's awesome! I should have thought of strawberry milk. Well, there's always next year!

Glad you like Bennett's moves, and yes, he's a LOT like me. Poor kid.