Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 4, 2008

I love election day.  I love going to our designated polling spot, a church less than a mile from our house, and first checking to see how many cars there are in the parking lot.  Yesterday we parked between a Lincoln Continental and a black Mitsubishi race car.  Definitely a good sign that there was representation for voters of all ages. :)  

I love walking into the gym and over to our table where LuAnn Nielson is always sitting.  She flips her book open to our page, we sign our names, and then choose a booth surrounded by very old people and very young people (as in toddlers) accompanying their mothers and fathers, and the young college-types.  The sight of voters makes me happy.  The atmosphere is electric and stirring.

I love looking over the names on the screen, names I have seen in headlines and yard signs for months and  months now, and making my selections, then casting my ballot, with confidence and freedom. This is not a universal experience, and I am grateful to be a woman who is able to have a say in the outcome of political race.  Tiny though  my voice may be, it is still my voice, expressed with no fear of death or maiming for making my views known.  The whole thing is very exciting to me.  I am also glad my children can come with me and witness the whole thing.  I hope they won't take voting for granted, even if they live in a red state their whole lives.

Bennett scolded me yesterday after school for not voting.  I insisted that I had indeed voted, and showed him my sticker to prove it.  He said, "No, Mom, I didn't see you at my school, and that's where people were voting. Hundreds and hundreds of people were there to vote and YOU WERE NOT THERE."  He was so disgusted.  I was able to explain that our voter precinct goes to a different location to vote, and that people were voting all over the country in different places, libraries, schools, churches, even grocery stores this year.  He smiled, relieved and proud.  And I was absolutely delighted that he cared.  I was also so glad he was able to witness the event firsthand at his school.  Democracy in action at Adam's Elementary!  

This is a great nation, and yesterday was a great day.


Becca Hatch said...

Share Away! xoxo

Sarah said...

Everyone is going crazy around here today trying to buy the Washington Post's special edition announcing the results. It's great! (Go Obama!) That's fun that the kids got to see the voters come in to the school...they canceled all the schools here yesterday. Loved your thoughts on voting.

Jami said...

We decided to vote early and stood in a 45 minute line last week to avoid the long lines expected. Funny thing is, so did all of Riverton. Those people who actually voted yesterday walked right up to the booths without a wait. Bummer! I hate it when that happens. :)

Jenni said...

What a cute baby!!