Sunday, November 16, 2008

When I grow up...

I have record a conversation I overheard my brother, Lee, having with some of the neighbor kids and my kids the other night.

Lee:  "Owen, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Owen:  "A scientist."
Lee:  "Cool!  Bennett, what do you want to be?"
Bennett:  "A scientist and an artist."
Lee:  "Cool.  Ruby, what do you want to be?"
Ruby:  "An artist."
Lee:  "Cool.  Olivia, what do you want to be?"
Olivia, with no hesitation at all:  "A dishwasher."

It was so cute, especially when she elaborated further by saying, "I want to be a dishwasher so I can always help my Mom."

Julie, I thought you would like to hear that.  What a girl!


Mrs B said...


Julie said...

I love that story. If only she actually were to EVER help me with the dishes currently, that'd be nice.

Brittney said...

oh how i love livy. that's a great story.

dream big, miss olivia.