Saturday, November 8, 2008

Why we should donate to public television, and pay our teachers more...

Owen and I spent the morning experimenting with these slabs of ice he found on the slide in the backyard, a la Sid the Science Kid. "I learned something new, something new today!" Owen came up with some really creative things to do to the ice. He drew on it with watercolor pencils, melted it with salt, melted colored sugar on it, chipped at it, poured hot water on it, etc. He really does have a scientific mind, and he asks the coolest questions.  It doesn't hurt that Sid the Science Kid also asks cool questions, and shows kids cool experiments they can do with real life things all around them.

Yesterday Owen was telling me, "Mom, did you know that in the olden days, people thought the world was FLAT? So if you walked to the edge of it, you would just fall off into outer space! PFFF! Can you believe that?! [laughing] We know the earth is round, even though it looks flat. It's just so big, it's hard to tell."

I'm pretty sure I've never talked with him about this, so I thank his teachers for taking time to talk to him about big things, and not underestimating what he can comprehend.


Mrs B said...

What a smarty-pants. Good teachers & great parents. Doesn't hurt that he's so stinkin' cute either!

Becca Hatch said...

You have been busy...breaking up knife fights and still time for a science experiment! It's like the Sharks and the Jets! I also agree that skate parks are important. You should be proud you are raising such smart boys.

Unknown said...

Amory and I argued over who that little boy in the picture was. I said, "It could be Owen." She said, "No I'm sure it's Bennett." Then I read the caption. I win--or rather Owen wins because he's got a great MOM.

Unknown said...

Amory & I argued over which Lambert kid was in the picture. I said, "It could be Owen." She said, "No, I'm sure it's Bennett." Then I looked at the caption. Owen! I win! Actually, Owen wins because he's got a great MOM to do things with him.

Jenni said...

How nice....

Jami said...

I'm laughing because the whole world was flat thing must be part of the 1st grade curriculum because I have had the same conversation with Hallee. Either that or has Ben been watching Reading Rainbow later???

Brooke said...

Jami! The crazy thing is , it was OWEN, in preschool, not Bennett in 1st grade!!